HFS: Log menu

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Revision as of 14:23, 23 October 2006 by Peterh (talk | contribs) (→‎Main items)
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This menu can be accessed by right-clicking in the log window in the right pane. The first item is used to specify exactly which items are logged. Check any item you want logged, and uncheck to disable an item.
In the listing below, example log entries are shown for every item that can be logged.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Log what

Show time in every entry, in hh:mm:ss format, eg."18:51:34".
Show date at the start of every entry, in dd:mm:yyyy format, eg. "20/10/2006".
Log every time a user requests the file list. Log entry example, "Requested GET /Downloads/~files.lst".
Log the getting of file icons. Log entry example, "Requested GET /favicon.ico".
Log getting of progress page.
Log the banning of users.
Only served events
Other events
This includes, for example, dynamic DNS updates.
Log every new connection.
Log all closing of connections.
Log requests made by the browser for downloads and uploads. A typical entry is: "Requested GET /Downloads/<filename>". The file extension is not normally shown.
Requests dump
Show a full request dump for every request. These log entries can be very long. Here, for example, is the entry for a small download request, > Host: localhost
Accept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1
Accept-Language: en-GB,en;q=0.9
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1
Referer: xxxxxxx/Downloads/
Connection: Keep-Alive, TE
TE: deflate, gzip, chunked, identity, trailers
Fully downloaded - 531 B @ 8 KB/s
Log what HFS answered (eg. what it served).
Full downloads
Log completed downloads.
Log uploads.
Bytes received
After each request, log how many bytes HFS received from the browser.
Bytes sent
After each request, log how many bytes HFS sent to the browser.
Server start
Log starting of HFS. The log message is, "Server start".
Server stop
Log stopping of HFS. The log message is, "Server stop".

Main items

Log to screen
Writes the log to this window. If this is unchecked, nothing is written to the window and no log is kept unless you have turned on "Log to file".
Log to file
Writes the log to a file. When you click this, you are prompted to specify the name of the log file.
Do not log address
Exclude specified IPs. More about IP masks
Address 2 name
Opens the translation table for IP addresses to names. These names will be shown in the log in {}-brackets after the real IP. This is useful if you have users with a fixed IP (for example, in a LAN) and want to show their names.
Lets you choose the font for the log. The usual Windows dialog box is displayed so you can also choose the text size, styye, etc.
Read only
Prevents editing of the log. Normally, leave this checked.
Copies the whole log, or a selected part, to the clipboard. This is obviously useful when you want to paste log entries into an email or other document.
Deletes all entries in the log window.
Saves the log to the file specified in 'Log on file'.
Save as
Saves the log and prompts you for the file name.